Volta Literary Magazine

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Volta is the literary magazine of Overland High School. It serves as a forum for student expression. The main purpose of Volta is to provide a publication opportunity for student writers and artists to support the creation and appreciation of literary and visual arts. Submissions are open to any student enrolled at OHS. All submissions are evaluated anonymously (author names are removed from submissions during selection process). Selections are made by a team of students based on objective criteria. Furthermore, they are based on the quality of individual pieces. Students are encouraged to submit their best, most meaningful works for consideration.
  • Submissions must be typed in an easy-to-read font (font size 12),
  • Must be edited and proofread,
  • Must include genre,
  • Short (2-3) sentence bio for each piece,
  • Must be submitted through OHSSpeaks.com's submittable account or to ohslitmagsubmissions@gmail.com,
  • Students MAY NOT submit plagiarized pieces, and
  • Must have signed media consent form.
Volta Literary Magazine